Web-Erectors.Com Internet Group wants to be your WPP (Web Presence Provider)

In keeping with our philosophy of delivering more than the client expects, Web-Erectors.Com Internet Group offers dedicated, high-speed website hosting to our website clients.

Your total website package will be handled by us, from start to finish, without passing you off to another vendor for hosting or search engine services.

Our website hosting package rates are very reasonable and are an unbeatable value. If you currently have a website, call us and give us the opportunity to increase the reliability, reduce your hosting costs and, more importantly, speed up your website response time to give your site a new, crisp feeling to your customers.

Contact us today for more information.




Just a few benefits of our
dedicated hosting service


Housed in a world-class facility providing:

Strict physical security via Photo ID badge and biometric screening, motion sensors and continuously monitored video surveillance

Power availability via dual independent power distribution units, uninterruptible power supplies, and redundant standby diesel generators

Redundant environmental systems maintaining a uniform 72° at 50% relative humidity with multiple air handling units

Dual fire detection and suppression systems ensure 24/7 protection
Quality bandwidth from Tier 1 backbone providers including AT&T, Level 3, Qwest, Sprint and UUNET
Multiple redundant network connections and a redundant router and switch configuration

Excellent historical server uptime

Preventative maintenance performed in the overnight hours to minimize offline time