E-Commerce, now is the time to hop aboard.

Chances are you may have already purchased products over the Internet so you are aware of how convenient shopping on the web can be.

Is your business ready to ride the E-Commerce wave and profit from this explosive growth? Your competition probably already is!

Just a few of the benefits of establishing an online store:

Open for sales 24/7
Affordably extend your sales territory
Expand your customer base
Increase your businesses visibility
Provide detailed information about your business
Reduce your marketing expenses
Collect targeted opt-in marketing data
Establish a position in the online marketplace
Lower overhead costs than brick and mortar

Web-Erectors.Com is ready to help you utilize the power of the Internet to reach millions of potential new customers and sell your products online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Once your E-store is live you can sit back and let the orders roll in. Imagine arriving at work each morning and collecting the orders generated by your E-store while you were sleeping!

It's like having a tireless employee on duty 24 hours a day presenting your customers with product information and taking orders, yet it costs but a fraction of staffing your physical brick and mortar store 24/7.

Working with you, Web-Erectors.Com can design, develop, and maintain your online E-Commerce store. We can handle everything including: Your free initial consultation, website planning, website development, extensive testing and verification, high-speed hosting, search engine submission, and on-going maintenance.

Once your online store is up and running, we can keep your product info up-to-date, or we can train you to update your info via a simple, easy to use, point and click online tool.

If you are apprehensive about jumping in full force, read about our exclusive E-Commerce Partner Program detailed on the right.


Web-Erectors.Com Internet Group
E-Commerce Partner Program

In talking with hundreds of business owners over the past decade, it has become apparent there are a large number of small businesses wanting to expand their sales channel to the Internet. Unfortunately fear of the unknown, bad past experiences with "come and go" Internet companies, and budget constraints have prevented them from doing so.

For qualified merchants our exclusive E-Commerce Partner Program provides for extremely low initial startup costs yet provides a very powerful E-Commerce platform to market your products online, all with the backing of our dedicated support team available at no cost to program participants.

Please continue reading below for a partial listing of our E-Commerce Partner Program benefits.

Free initial consultation to determine product viability for inclusion in the program
Extremely low entry cost for qualified merchants
Access to one of the most mature and powerful E-Commerce packages available
Simple merchant control panel allows for "self-service" for new product additions and existing product updates
Personalized, onsite introductory training and on-going support provided at no-charge for program participants
Very low risk to the merchant due to the minimal startup capital required as compared to other E-Commerce services

Do you believe your business would benefit from selling products online? Feel free to E-Mail us.